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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Giving declined in 2008

Total charitable giving declined by 2% last year according to a recent report. Given the fact that Americans have seen their home values and stock profiles tank, this is actually much better than you might have expected.

Giving to religious groups, united way groups and voter registration drives actually went up.

Giving to the arts, health, environment, and education dropped by 5%. And giving to human service organizations dropped by 13%, which is especially hard since they are seeing increased need and government budget cuts all at the same time. This is something I'm going to keep in mind when I plan my giving for this year.

Overall, it is heartening to know that when times are tough people aren't cutting donations first. As this NPR report notes, now is the most important time to tell your donors about the good work that you are doing.

Listen to the NPR story.

Read the report. (PDF)

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