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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Your two cents matter

Two cents won't get you to far in an age when gas costs over $5.00 a gallon. But I want to challenge people to think about their pennies and where they go. That's why I'm going to work on the idea of a personal philanthropy plan based on the idea that people should vote with their dollars, and plan to plan how they'll donate 2 percent of their annual income to issues that they care about. Two cents on the dollar multiplied by over 300 million Americans can buy a lot of rice for the proverbial starving children in China, not to mention help support sustainable technology research, plant trees, help low-income youth go to college, house the homeless, pay the rent for non-commercial media organizations who educate us on issues we vote on, and much, much more.
So this will be the journal of this process of building a "two cents" movement. Along the way, I'll also make observations on how non-profits can reach out to their constituents and build sustainable impact through best practices in fundraising, communications, and non-profit management.
This is an experiment, so... here we go.

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