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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reminder to self: the fundamental limits of online tools

Daily travels through little corners of the blogosphere, myriad YouFacespacester accounts, email accounts, online collaboration websites/wikis, and plain old websites, it's tempting for a fundraiser to hide behind her computer screen and feel productive, when what she should really be doing is "getting on the horn" (as my grandfather would say) and speak to people directly.

No fancy facebook app or flashy splash page is going to substitute for the power of a firm hand shake when it comes to building trust, and no online donation button is going to subsitute for the face-to-face appeal. Online tools help us broaden our reach, visualize networks of relationships that are invisible in the real world, collect data about our audience and our prospects, and better communicate with images, sounds, and printed words. But in the end, all these play suplimentary roles to meeting people on the ground. Business deals are still sealed over lunch or on the golf course, even if they are maintained using twitter...

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